Double-Edged Safety Razors
Anyone who has to shave on a regular basis knows what a pain it can be, sometimes literally. To add insult to injury, those who use any of the popular Gillette or Wilkinson systems will also know that the cartridges, which have to be replaced regularly, aren't cheap [more...]
This may be one of the most important films you see all year. Of the nine films I managed to catch at the Copenhagen International Documentary Film Festival (CPH:DOX), this [more...]
The Imitation Game
Alan Turing is considered by many to be the father of modern computing, and whether or not you subscribe to that view, there is no doubt that he was one of the intellectual [more...]
American Sniper
It’s a little known fact that when I was in my early teens, I wanted to be an army sniper. I read up on it, had an encyclopedic knowledge of military ordnance, and [more...]
The Theory of Everything
It’s finally here, the long-awaited film about the life of Stephen Hawking, one of the greatest minds in modern times. Not only has he been instrumental in shaping [more...]
Grand Budapest Hotel
Wes Anderson strikes again in this fast-paced and stylistically beautiful adventure that takes place in a bygone era, not only in terms of the time it depicts but also in the [more...]