Looking for Sponsors
Enschede Training for the Olympics isn’t easy. It isn’t cheap either. I made a short promotional video recently as part of our quest to find sponsors (it also [more...]
Training Video
Enschede Those who have seen the movie “Team America” will know that, to go from being a beginner to a being a pro, you need a montage. So I have constructed a [more...]
Race Debut
Enschede This evening I raced on the ice for the first time. Here is what happened. Just in case there was any lingering doubt, this is NOT what is supposed to happen in a [more...]
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What exactly are you doing Daniel? A: I’m living in Enschede, the Netherlands. I am training to represent Australia at the next Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver in [more...]
MIT Mystery Hunt
Every year since about 1980, during MIT’s independent activity period (IAP), a mystery hunt takes place. This hunt is organised by the previous year’s winning [more...]
Winged Victory
Memories from the 2006 Australian University Games It has been 5 years since I last represented Melbourne Uni at the Uni Games. In 2001, I smacked some people in the head [more...]
World Championships
Wednesday 1st September Sitting in the lounge at Changi (Singapore’s International Airport). While, being a Hong Kong person, I have never been a big fan of Singapore, [more...]