Around the bay in a day

This ride involved riding around Port Phillip bay in a day. That day was Sunday 17th of October.

This was during one of our earlier stops. As you can see, the weather was lovely.

Here we note the variety in cycling attire. Some of us chose to go hard-core with cycling (or rollerblading) jerseys, while others opted for the more casual look.

Alex examines himself after being caught up in a rather nasty crash. Here, both ends of the cycling-attire spectrum can be viewed side by side. Lucky, the crash only claimed a bike light and someone's bell.

Hmm... it seems that we missed that ferry. For those who are wondering, this is how we got around the bit of the bay which is not connected by a road (swimming with bikes would be a wee bit impractical).

When we got to the other side, we quickly finished off our lollies, and then got on with the final section of the ride.

Riding alongside the freeway from Melbourne to Geelong.

Just before one of our last "rest-station" stops... and a bit before we got lost.

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